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Essential Links for Safe Riding

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Defib Finder - find the nearest defibrillator to your location: Defib finder site.  Seconds and minutes count if someone has a heart attack on a ride (or anywhere else, for that matter).  Load this app, it can be life saver!

What 3 Words - for emergencies to get your location: What 3 words site - includes link to the app. If you need to communicate to someone your exact location (within a few yards), then install What3Words on your phone and learn how to use it (very simple).

Adding Emergency Contact Details to your phone: PC Mag - Article.  If you carry your phone with you when you ride, did you know that in the event of an accident, someone can call your emergency contact even if your phone is locked.  Read this article for details on Android and iOS.

North Yorkshire Roadworks Map.  Planning a ride and want to know if you might encounter road closures? This is a great tool to avoid disappointment (and retracing your steps) on the day.

Emergency SOS via satellite - With iPhone 14 or later, you can use Emergency SOS via Satellite to text emergency services when your'e off the grid with no mobile or wi-fi coverage. This article explains  how to setup - SOS iPhone Setup . It is also available on certain Android Phones, link to those phones and instructions is here: Android Guidance