Ilkley Car-Free Festival

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This year's activities all along The Grove in Ilkley include
� entertainment � Pedal-on-the-Grove cycling skills fun for kids (bring bikes!) � street play � food & drink � community stalls � green energy providers and advisors (Clever Energy, Leeds Solar, Niche Architects, Wrapt Homes, Gecko Renewables, P4 Solar) � public/shared transport providers � electric bikes to try out � bikes for disabled users � bike repairs 11.00-15.30 (bring your bike!) � ask a scientist � Eco information and advice plus
Cleaning up our Rivers, Lakes & Seas � The Answers
Christchurch 12.30 - 16.30 (Register at :https://www.eventbrite.
Speakers include national campaign groups (River Action, Wild Fish, Surfers Against Sewage), leading academics on river pollution (microplastics, bacteria and chemicals) and campaigners from across the country