Where Cycling Meets the Yorkshire Dales
The Ilkley Cycling Club (ICC) is an active promoter of rides and cycling activities in the Wharfe Valley. Besides many weekly group rides, the Club sponsors major cycling events, including the Ilkley Town Centre Races and the White Rose Classic sportive exploring the best routes in the Yorkshire Dales. To celebrate the changing seasons, there is a summer solstice moon-rise ride to Yorkshire's highest point and a more bracing ride to witness the winter solstice sun rise.
As an inclusive Club, look at our active youth training program, rides for gravel and mountain bikes, and a budding e-Bike section.
Thursday 27 March
ICC Route 0003R - Burnsall (return via The Old Oak)
24 miles
(37.98 km)
Saturday 5 April
The Wetherby Wheel Sportive - 60 and 100KM options
62 miles
(100 km)
Saturday 19 April
Grassington Walk with Veronica (meet Grassington)
7 miles
(11.27 km)
You're Webmaster!
The Club website is a cooperative effort. Like Wikipedia, logged-in Members can contribute directly to this site: create a ride with the Rides App, add Calendar events, and even modify or add pages to most of the menus. Spot a typo? Fix it!
To add a new page:
- select the menu you want,
- scroll to bottom of menu,
- select "+Add New" at the bottom,
- create the page you want.
Choose a topic that is both cycling related and something that other Club Members will be interested in. Be sure to add an image or two to make it visually appealing.
Editing existing pages is just as easy. Except for Home and Favourites menus, just click EDIT at the bottom of the page. To move an item to the top of the menu, click the Bump to Top checkbox just below the HEADLINE when editing a page.
Saturday 29 March
Velo29 Daffodils Sportive
The Daffodils Sportive was named after the World famous daffodils of Farndale, an area the route passes through. The event started in 2013 when we wanted to add a new Sportive to the Velo29 Calendar which incorporated some of our favourite roads.
Sunday 30 March
Alpkit Women's Social Ride
A social ride on roads for anyone who identifies as female or non-binary.
Local Partners and Supporters
Many local businesses support the Club in various ways, from discounts offered to members to event sponsorship. For example, Lister Horsfall jewelers have been the headline sponsor to the Town Centre Races for a number of years. All the local bike shops, including Ilkley's own Wheelbase and 93 Cycles, but also including other shops further afield, such as All Terrain in Saltaire, Chevin in Otley, Paceline Cycles in Cross Hills, and Prologue in Harrogate offer Club members discounts.
Our partners are a diverse group of businesses, not just cycling related.
Get to know who supports the Club. And don't be shy to ask other local businesses why they are not already an ICC Supporter!
Get the kit
As Club members we like to ride in Club kit. Typically kit orders go out a couple of times a year. Members will receive an email when the order window is open.
More details here on ordering Club Kit.
Mud Flaps – During the winter months, when the roads always have a sheen, your tyres throw muck up on you, and those behind you. Mud guards are great - for you, but if you ride in a group, then a mud flap in back is mandatory. You can order mudflaps online here. They come in pairs, front and back, and in a selection of widths and lengths.
If you need help fitting mud guards and/or flaps, ask around in the Club, or go into one of the local shops that support the Club.
Join Ilkley CC
Become part of one of the largest cycling clubs in the UK and get access to: Club training rides, Coaching, Competitive Time Trials, Cyclo-Cross racing, Recreational rides, Road racing, Sportives, Track racing and Women only sessions… You’ll also get some great member benefits :)